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Friday, August 1, 2014

Day 4 (Two Days Later)

Day 4 is a couple days late, I will admit! Jet lag will do that to you. There is more to read than see.

After breakfast, we were given two options. To do a service project on the property, or spend the morning in reflection. I chose to spend some time in the different prayer rooms and enjoy quiet time in Champagnat's room as well. It was a big help in processing all that was happening. As you all know, a lot had been seen and experienced in a few days!

Each prayer room has a wall adorned with symbolic art. This particular room captured my attention and inspired me.

This bridge, previously submerged by the river, was likely the site where Marcellin first spoke to Jean-Marie Granjon about his plans to start the institute. His first recruit!

This is where Marcellin saw the steeple of the church in Lavalla. The hike up from L'Hermitage is NO JOKE. It was not only far, but steep and a bit dangerous. Still an incredible experience.

This is the table built by Marcellin at the home in Lavalla. It was truly amazing to sit at it, touch it, and enjoy mass around this table.

The early Brothers produced nails for sale, which sustained them. Here is an example! They were always industrious, and remain hard workers to this very day.

Breakfast anyone?

A view from the home at Lavalla.

The Gier... on the way back home.

Day 4 was simple yet filled with meaning. The quiet morning at the Hermitage was preparation for the long and difficult hike to Lavalla. Every step on the way was a reminder of the perseverance of our Marist ancestors who sought to make Jesus known and loved in their communities... regardless of the conditions.

There is much to do at home... and now that we're all home, it is time to begin. More to come!